[tek_photobox phb_title=”AccuCredit™ Mail Programs” phb_description=”CCredit mail often gets a bad reputation, with some people dismissing it as junk mail. However, when used correctly, it can be an effective advertising medium. Even though many consumers receive a large volume of mail, well-targeted mailings can significantly impact a business’s bottom line. Various industries can benefit from credit mail, but auto dealerships should pay particular attention to its potential advantages. After all, you cannot sell a car to customers who don’t visit the lot. To attract a diverse range of customers to the dealership, it’s essential to utilize credit mail effectively.” phb_text_align=”text-left” phb_image=”4199″ phb_custom_link=”box-button-link” phb_box_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fsubprimemarketing.com%2Fprequalified-credit-mailers%2F|title:Prequalified%20Credit%E2%84%A2%20Mailers” phb_button_text=”Learn more” phb_image_effect=”no-effect” css_animation=”kd-animated fadeInUp” elem_animation_delay=”400″]