[tek_testimonialcards tcard_loop=”loop_off” tcard_autoplay=”auto_off”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Milwaukee BMW Dealer” tcards_author_job=”Finance Director” tcards_author_image=”2501″ tcards_testimonial_title=”Great ROI” tcards_testimonial_text=”Use this company for years and never had a better ROI on Bankruptcy leads. Well over 400%. The program is complete so I never had to do anything but sell cars.” css_animation=”no_animation”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Chicago CDJR Dealer” tcards_author_job=”Subprime Director” tcards_author_image=”2502″ tcards_testimonial_title=”Consistent Leads” tcards_testimonial_text=”I have been using their leads for over 9 years, month over month. They just seem to have their programs tuned to the current market. They have not changed their prices since 2012,” css_animation=”no_animation”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Philadelphia Mitsubishi Dealer” tcards_author_job=”General Manager” tcards_author_image=”2503″ tcards_testimonial_title=”Best Trigger Program Available” tcards_testimonial_text=”So many mail companies just waste our money sending mail to our own customers. CMS only goes after new shoppers that we have not seen yet. We normally get a 5 to 8% response rate so we definitely get our monies worth.” css_animation=”no_animation”][tek_testimonialcards_single tcards_author_name=”Pete Hugh” tcards_author_job=”Design Director – Incubator” tcards_author_image=”2504″ tcards_testimonial_title=”Innovative design” tcards_testimonial_text=”Dignissim per dis dignissim mi nibh a parturient habitasse suspendisse ut a feugiat morbi neque tortor.Tellus volutpat scelerisque tempor.” css_animation=”no_animation”][/tek_testimonialcards]