Make Your Trigger Mail Count

There is a monster out there. The troll under the digital bridge leads to your potential client’s inbox, and it is hungry for your marketing materials. Newsletter software has become intelligent, but so has the anti-spam software. It is very adept at identifying unwanted emails, and terabytes of valuable marketing are lost in the mix.

Escape the clutches of the spam blocker with real mail that bypasses anti-spam filters and gets opened. A trigger mail campaign applies new technologies to traditional marketing. The result is effective to direct mail that potential clients want to open. They open our letters almost every time. This results in a response rate of more than 10%!

There is a great deal of noise out there. This is a significant term in advertising, and breaking through it is the subject of many expensive debates. Our solution is a classic strategy that combats this current roadblock. Put it to use as part of your next mail marketing campaign and see the difference trigger mail it makes.

One of the ways we achieve these results is by using more than one bureau. Our competitors only use one. This helps our mailing list stand head and shoulders above other direct mail campaigns. Of course, our mailers are compelling and interactive, giving clients the option to respond via toll-free call with a real person or our secure website.

Even though our direct trigger mail system avoids the spam filter, it does not forego technology. We transmit every valuable lead to you via email immediately after revving an application. This puts you in direct contact with qualified consumers—your potential customers. If you prefer, your leads can be sent directly to CRM systems, as well.

To ensure our and your company’s good name, our direct trigger mail campaigns and call center adheres to all “Do Not Call” requirements. This is just another way we answer the new-age-old question: what is spam mail, and how do we manage it. It is also a way we set our marketing materials apart from anti-spam software.

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